We are engaged in providing our clients Electrical Thermography By Qualified Professionals. An infrared electrical inspection can minimize injury, liability, damage, catastrophic failures and downtime of the organization
Thermal imaging is an extremely useful tool for electrical fault finding. It requires no contact being made with the components which means that the components can be checked in a live state with little danger to the user, there is no effect on the components or interruption in any processes the electrical system may be controlling.
IR Inspection mainly involves scanning, image taking and image analysis and among them analysis part is most important for correct diagnosis of problems.
Failure of equipment, machine in electrical or any system may result in loss of production, injury, fire or other damages to property etc., all resulting financial loss. IR Inspection identifies fault sites in advance and suggests for corrective actions based on fault severity. IR Thermography removes unnecessary preventive maintenance and typically in ordinary circumstances 30 to 40 % of the maintenance costs can be saved.
We shall cover the following under scope of work for Thermography:
Temperature Variation reference chart-